Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week Three Reading Reflection: Ethnography

3 things that you learned/connected with

• I learned that ethnography is based on the views of the person that is doing the filming and shows the audience what they find the most important.

• Ethnography is guided by a point of view

• I learned that with careful thought and consideration that ethnography can be rewarding and can show and describe things that most people may not see or would not have focused on initially

2 things you disagree with or have questions

• I do not agree with that the person filming or providing the ethnography can use their biases to get their point across. I believe that there should be more of a check and balance system and with this there is no check and balance system.

• My second question builds on the first statement. How does one make ethnography without pushing ones biases into their piece?

1 thing I would want to learn more about

• One thing I would like to learn more about would be if schools would be interested in making ethnographies part of a class that would show how the school evolves throughout the year. The final showing could be done the last few weeks of school to the entire school. I would like to know if this would even be feasible.

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